Cloud Migration Strategies

Cloud Migration Strategies

Basically, Cloud migration is the procedure of transferring applications, data, and other types of business components to any cloud computing platform. There are several parts of cloud migration an organization can perform. ​

The most used model is the applications and data transfer through an on-premises and local data center to any public cloud.​


  • flexibility

  • scalability

  • agility

  • productivity

  • security

  • profitability

Cloud Migration Strategies 7R’s

  • Replatform (lift, tinker, and shift)​

    This includes a moderate amount of “tinkering” or optimization, without changing the core architecture of your application. It also enables you to benefit from the implementation speed of the re-host option, combined with important cloud optimization.​

  • Refactor​

    The most expensive migration path has enabled modernization (such as adding features, increasing performance, or enabling scalability) of outdated legacy applications unsuited to a cloud environment. ​

  • Rehost (lift and shift)

    The fastest way to move an enterprise workload to the cloud, and therefore commonly chosen for migrating legacy applications, is the re-host option.

  • Re-purchase (Drop and Shop)

    If, there is a very strong movement to use SaaS instead of purchasing replacement on-premises systems and being locked into perpetual licenses.​

  • Relocate(hypervisor-level lift and shift)​

    Move infrastructure to the cloud without purchasing new hardware, rewriting applications, or modifying your existing operations​.

  • Retain(revisit) ​

    It is basically a point-in-time strategy – when you’ve decided to retain certain applications in place on-premises for the time being. ​

  • Retire​

    In many cases, discovery identifies a significant number of applications in the migrating environment that are no longer required for one reason or another, and the time has come to retire them. ​

This is all about the basic overview of cloud migration strategies.


Basic architecture diagram on migrating an on-prem application to aws cloud using services like EC2, EKS, ECR, VPC, RDS, ACM, ALB.

Disclaimer: This example comes under Rehost category. But for Database migration we are replatforming from sql server, postgresql, Sybase, DB2 etc to Amazon RDS/Amazon Aurora.

happy learning :)